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- This survey is to give an indication of what ShareWorld readers want
- from the magazine as well as the Amiga PD and shareware scene in
- general. It's also to give coders a profile of the kind of hardware
- that's out there.
- The full results will be published in issue six of ShareWorld, (though
- no personal details will be included), and all the replies will be
- destroyed when it's released.
- It would be preferred if you sent your answers on disk, but on paper
- will be okay if you wish.
- Please ignore any questions you would prefer not to answer. Also, feel
- free to add any extra comments you wish.
- Place your answers after the "A:" following each question.
- Send your replies to...
- Carl Read
- CyberCraft
- PO Box 4032
- Mayfair
- Hastings 4201
- (And none of this "Oh I don't use much PD or shareware so there's not
- much point in me filling in the survey" rubbish. Fill it in! - So we
- get a rounded response and not just a half dozen replies from the
- dedicated PD junkies.)
- -----
- *** GENERAL ***
- * What is your name? (Just so the ShareWorld editor can keep track of
- the replies. It won't be published.)
- A:
- * What decade were you born in? (State if early or late ie: early 70s,
- late 50s.)
- A:
- * State gender. (ie: Male, Female, Other.)
- A:
- * How many computers have you owned - and give the make and type of
- each.
- A:
- * How long have you had an Amiga - if you have one.
- A:
- * Describe all your current computers and their specs, giving their
- name and type (including Workbench/Windows versions, DOS versions
- etc.), age, amount of ram, number of floppy drives, hard-drive sizes,
- monitor-types (say TV if it's a TV), and any other hardware for them
- you have - and their makes and specs. (Give a rating too - 0 bad, 5
- good.) Suggestions... Printers, Joysticks, Modems, Image Scanners,
- Cartridges (Action Replay etc.), Genlocks, Sound Samplers, CD-ROM
- Drives, Video Digitizers, mouse mats etc.
- A:
- * Does your Amiga have an internal clock? If yes, have you set it's
- date and time?
- A:
- * What is your preferred way of using Amiga software? (ie. From the
- Workbench, from the CLI, autobooting it, etc.)
- A:
- * If you own a modem, which electronic services do you subscribe to, if
- any. (Internet, etc.)
- A:
- * Is there a (non-Amiga) type of personal computer readily available at
- the moment which you don't own but which you'd like to? If so, name it.
- A:
- * How do you usually make contact with other Amiga users? Through club
- meetings, via a modem, via the post, through work, through school,
- other ways. Select more than one if applicable.
- A:
- * Do you normally seek out other Amiga users, or do they find you? Or
- do you avoid them like the plague?
- A:
- * How long have you been using computers?
- A:
- * How many pseudonyms do you go by - counting your real name?
- A:
- * Do you belong to a computer club (or three)? If so, approximately how
- many members does it have and how often does it meet?
- A:
- * Do you belong to a "scene" group (or three)? If so, give its/their
- name/s.
- A:
- * Do you belong to a PD group (or three)? If so, give its/their name/s.
- A:
- * Which of these two statements is closest to your philosophy of life?
- "I think, therefore I am." "I feel, therefore I'm alive."
- A:
- * How did you first come into contact with ShareWorld?
- A:
- * If you wrote an article for ShareWorld, would you mind if the editor
- added his comments to it if he had any?
- A:
- * Do you enjoy seeing the editors' comments in other peoples' articles?
- A:
- * What type of contributions would you like to see more of in
- ShareWorld?
- A:
- * What type of contributions would you like to see less of in
- ShareWorld?
- A:
- * Who are your favourite contributors to ShareWorld, if any?
- A:
- * And, (by popular demand), who are your least favourite contributors
- to ShareWorld?
- A:
- * Eventually, when enough ShareWorld questionnaires are being filled
- in, a PD and Shareware Chart will be added to it so you can say which
- is your favourite software. Categories will be... Applications,
- Utilities, Games, Slideshows, Simulations, Diskmags, Music disks and
- Animations. If you think there should be others, please say what you
- think they should be.
- A:
- * How many diskmags have you contributed to and which ones were they?
- A:
- * Name any current diskmags you think are worth reading. (If they're
- not PD or freely distributable, state their price and how and where to
- obtain them.)
- A:
- * Name all the shareware you have registered to, if any, and give each
- a rating. (0 bad. 5 good.)
- A:
- * Name all the shareware you use but haven't registered to! (Added by
- popular demand.) OK, I originally hadn't included this due to expecting
- not quite accurate responses. But go on, let us know. I promise not to
- tell and all the responses will be destroyed. And anyway, you are going
- to register them next week, aren't you?
- A:
- * Name the (non-entertainment) PD (or freeware) software you use
- regularly and give each a rating. (0 bad. 5 good.)
- A:
- * Name the PD (or freeware) entertainment software you've had the most
- enjoyment out of, (as many as you like), and give each a rating. (0
- bad. 5 good.)
- A:
- * Which, if any, Amiga public domain libraries would you recommend as
- giving a good service?
- A:
- * What do you think is a sensible price for a near-commercial quality
- shareware application. Say a word-processor able to use all standard
- Amiga fonts and include clip-art amongst its text?
- A:
- * What do you think is a sensible price for a near-commercial quality
- shareware game. Say of SimCity or Monkey Island standard?
- A:
- * Where do you mostly obtain your public domain software? (Suggestions:
- PD libraries, friends, postal swappers, clubs, via modem, magazine
- coverdisks, other sources.)
- A:
- * What type of software do you feel is missing from Amiga PD or
- shareware, if any?
- A:
- * If you have produced Amiga shareware, give the number of
- registrations you've received for your most popular release. (0!) (1-5)
- (6-20) (21-50) (51-100) (101-200) (201-500) (501-1000) (1001-5000)
- (5000+) State also if it was an application, utility, game or whatever,
- and how long it has been released. Oh go on - don't be shy! I won't
- tell and it'll be out of date by tomorrow anyway, won't it?
- A:
- * How, if at all, have you contributed to the Amiga public domain.
- Examples... Written software, written articles or stories for diskmags,
- made music, produced art, produced a diskmag etc.
- A:
- * Name any current computer (or related) papermags you think are worth
- reading.
- A:
- * Name the (non-entertainment) Amiga commercial software you use
- regularly and give each a rating. (0 bad. 5 good.)
- A:
- * Name the Amiga commercial entertainment software you've had the most
- enjoyment out of, (as many as you like), and give each a rating. (0
- bad. 5 good.)
- A:
- * Name the (non-entertainment) Amiga LICENCEWARE software you use
- regularly and give each a rating. (0 bad. 5 good.)
- A:
- * Name the Amiga commercial LICENCEWARE software you've had the most
- enjoyment out of, (as many as you like), and give each a rating. (0
- bad. 5 good.)
- A:
- Thank you.
- ~~~~~~